Thursday, March 17, 2011

Proper British Grub: Lemon Curd

I know, people. It's been about six weeks since my last post, and I'm sure you're all suffering from the loss of my witty diatribes. But try and put yourselves in my shoes-- I haven't eaten since that damn gumbo! It's been rough. But what better way to wrangle myself out of this pity party than with a nice, comforting batch of....

Lemon curd?

Yes, by Jove! Lemon curd! For those of you without British grandmothers (apologies for what must have been a dull and love-less upbringing) or who are victims of just sheer ignorance, you should know that this curd, this lovely curd, is one of the most beloved treats of yours truly.

Why should you care? Because this is my blog and I say so, that's why.